Saturday, September 21, 2013


I "liked" the VEDA (Vestibular Disorder Association) page on Facebook and have been "sharing" their posts for Balance Disorder Awareness.  I am disheartened at the relatively few responses and shares that I've gotten from 189 friends including family.  I am extremely grateful for the caring souls who did respond and share and for those who have read my blog.

One friend who read my blog responded by email with the suggestion that I might qualify for a service dog.  I am aware that such hearing/balance service animals are available but dismissed the idea due to the presumed expense and the lack of space in my two-story, two-bedroom town home.

I fell in love with a very loving and well-trained golden retriever when visiting with family on a Pennsylvania farm.   I giggled every time he nudged his big head under my arm to have his ears scratched.  The big lug even stretched himself across my lap when I was on his level sitting on the edge of the porch.  Each time I left the porch to stagger across the field, he rose with me and accompanied me as though he knew I might fall.  

WHEN I get my windfall and can afford a second home there, I will find myself a companion just like "Blue," aka "Cletus."  (Pictured here with my grandson.)


RoysDgtr said...


Jani said...

My dear Judy
I love the title of your latest blog. That looks like a golden lab???? My x sister in law had a dog that looked like that and he was the most gentle and sweetest easy going dog. Wouldn't that be great for you to have a companion like that!! I've never had a dog but my son has a labradoodle
(Spelling??). Casey is about 70 lbs and is a love.

Your diagnosis sounds to be very recent or has it all just progressed? Yes I know I've said this before but I wish we lived closer. I enjoyed, so much, our time in VA.... the Pink Banana, the crab cakes, the boardwalk.... who can forget all of that? 😍

I'm unfamiliar with blogging so I hope this all goes to you!

Hugs for you.

RoysDgtr said...

Thank you, Jan. It all began just 4 years ago but was a complete puzzle until it worsened and became bilateral about 1.5 years ago at which time they came up with this diagnosis. The onset and the worsening were both overnight with no prior symptoms.

I, too, have fond memories of my "family" in VA. We certainly bonded and had a great time together.