A dear friend whom I hadn't seen in many years noticed my guitar sitting in a corner and commented that I had never played for him. The guitar sat in its case hidden under a bed until Christmas 2014 when I retrieved it so that my grandson could tune it for me because I was ready to attempt, with my new hearing device, to play again though I knew the tones that I would hear would not be accurate. That didn't happen so the guitar just sat until a few days ago. If you play, you know that it can take some time to train the muscles in your hand in order to finger the frets properly and to build calluses so that the strings don't cut up your fingers. With an electronic tuner that "hears" the strings for me and has indicator lights to tell me if it is sharp, flat or just right, I have tuned my old guitar and have begun to practice so that I might eventually be able to play for him.
With my new device, I attended several holiday get-togethers and monthly luncheons with past co-workers and am delighted that I was actually able to carry on conversations with those old friends whom I hold so dear. Certainly not perfect hearing in noisy settings, but so much better.
There has been no improvement in my balance, nor did I expect there to be. I still have bad days and better days and still find that avoiding stress, getting plenty of rest, managing my diet, and keeping up with my exercise program are vital. With the motivation of my friends, I still do 2 or 3 Silver Sneakers classes and a Yin and Gentle Yoga class most weeks and have just added, at least temporarily, a Tai-Chi class. I have recently re-connected with a co-worker who lives nearby and wants to begin a walking program with me. Meanwhile, another friend, who is not so nearby, and I are attempting to find a mutually agreeable place to renew our walking program together.

Over a year ago, in my November 2013 post, I talked about my new resolve to be fit and healthy. "In 5 years, I will be the most fit, vital, active 75-year-old you have ever known." With the re-appearance of a long-lost friend and a wellness challenge we have given each other, I have new motivation; new resolve.
With motivation from the writings of my friend Dr. Robert Mauer and of Dr. Wayne Dyer, and my sweet Yoga instructor, I have developed a daily affirmation that I recite with my morning yoga practice and, often, when I am feeling stressed or unable to sleep. The premise is that "I am..." statements are powerful in training your mind to manifest positive outcomes: "I recognize that I AM an immortal soul in temporary human form, placed here for a reason. As such, I AM creative, I AM kind, I AM loving, I AM beautiful, I have expansiveness in abundance and I AM receptive to all that I need to fulfill my intention. I AM willing, I AM determined, I AM fearless in that pursuit. I intend to be fit, healthy, attractive that I might inspire others to recognize their connection to this magnificent universe and to pursue their intention. I intend to rid my beautiful body of imbalance. I intend to rid my beautiful body of unhealthy weight. I intend to rid my beautiful mind of negative thoughts. Namaste."