Saturday, November 16, 2013


I will begin yoga practice for proper breathing to aid balance.   ✅
(I bought a 10-class Groupon with a friend and have attended several with the plan to do one session each week.)

I will get back to strength training to build my core muscles and those around joints while continuing to walk 4+ miles three times a week with a friend.   ✅
(Did a Silver-Sneakers chair aerobics class and plan to continue and add a Tai-Chi class.)

I will improve my diet to eliminate inflammatory foods and reduce sodium to improve my overall health, energy, and appearance.
(I've read "The Hunter/Farmer Diet Solution" by Dr. Mark Liponis of Canyon Ranch.  I believe in him and will begin to eat according to his recommendations.  As a successful business woman, I know how to create a plan, track the results and tweak it when necessary to reach my goal.  I've done it with less important things in my life, so surely I can manage my weight and health in the same way.)

I will continue to seek solutions to my balance and hearing impairments and ways to adapt to a lack of solutions.

I feel so blessed to not only have so many dear friends but that, among them, I have those who are not only supportive but join me in my efforts.  They are so good for me...body and soul.  🙏😘

This is a recent photo of a high school friend on the left and me on the right taken just a couple days ago when she was passing through on vacation.  Consider this a "before" and watch for the "mid" in January and the "after" before my birthday in May 2014.

In 5 years, I will be the most fit, vital, active 75-year-old you have ever known.